Master Thesis: Tool Support for Reactive Programming

A few months ago, I wrote an introductory post about reactive programming and shortly discussed whether it can be seen as THE new programming paradigm. I wrote my master thesis about reactive programming and – more specifically – about debugging tool support for it. Unfortunately, there is currently no tool support for it at all. In my thesis, I developed a first system which provides a usable debugging tool for reactive programming. The system is further developed at TU Darmstadt and will probably be released at a subsequent date. If you follow my supervisor Guido Salvaneschi and especially his GitHub account, you should witness the release. If you are already interested, you can download my written thesis at the end of this article. But first of all, have a look at the official abstract of my thesis:

Master Thesis: Tool Support for Reactive Programming weiterlesen

Reactive Programming – the New Programming Paradigm?

I am on the last lap of my master thesis, which has the nice title „Tool Support for Reactive Programming“. But what exactly is reactive programming (RP)? It basically just describes systems which are reactive in the sense that they directly adapt to changing inputs or a changing environment in general. If an input value changes, reactive systems directly re-compute the depending output values, so that the outputs always reflect the current inputs. Informally, one can compare RP with spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel. If a value in a cell is changed, all values which depend on that cell are directly re-computed and updated. That is pretty much the idea behind RP. Reactive Programming – the New Programming Paradigm? weiterlesen

Technical Basis of Digital Currencies

I wrote a paper about the technical basis of digital currencies for a seminar at the university. It is an introduction into the market of digital currencies and a technical description of the most important systems: Bitcoin as well as the Bitcoin forks Litecoin, Peercoin (PPCoin) and Primecoin. So if you are interested in digital currencies in general or one of these systems, go read my paper 😉
Technical Basis of Digital Currencies Paper (PDF) (6626 Downloads )

If you have any feedback, I am happy to read it in the comments!

Sending Complex Data From Java to PHP via a POST Request

I recently had to transfer files as well as simple text parameters from a Java application to a PHP script. Hence, I wanted the files to be available in the global $_FILES array and the simple parameters in the global $_POST array. Unfortunately, the task is not as easy as it sounds. One has to use MIME multipart messages. And there is no native support for MIME multipart in Java. Sending Complex Data From Java to PHP via a POST Request weiterlesen

Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising and User Privacy – Paper

In einem anderen Artikel habe ich bereits meine Präsentation für das Seminar „Privacy and Web 2.0“ vorgestellt. Nun kommt endlich auch das zugehörige Paper, das ein paar Wochen nach der Präsentation fertig wurde. Wer sich also ein wenig für die Themen „Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising and User Privacy“ interessiert, dem wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen. Ich freue mich über Anregungen in den Kommentaren!

Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising And User Privacy Paper (PDF) (7141 Downloads )

Sending Simple Data From Java to PHP via a POST Request

In my bachelor thesis, I develop an interface between a Java and a PHP application. Hence, I have to transfer data between the two applications. I decided to use a POST request in order to transfer data from the Java to the PHP application. Since sending a POST request from Java is not documented that good yet, I would like to show you my working code: Sending Simple Data From Java to PHP via a POST Request weiterlesen

Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising and User Privacy – Eine Präsentation

Ich besuche momentan das Seminar „Privacy and Web 2.0“ von Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner, Andreas Poller und Hervais Simo Fhom an der TU Darmstadt. Ich bin zusammen mit einer Kommilitonin für das Thema „Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising and User Privacy“ zuständig, wobei ich eher den technischen Part übernehme. Morgen muss ich meine Präsentation halten, die ihr euch hier herunterladen könnt.
Bis Mitte Juli muss ich auch noch ein „Paper“ dazu schreiben, welches ich ebenfalls hier im Blog veröffentlichen werde.
UPDATE 07.02.2012: Das Paper zum Thema ist nun auch verfügbar.

Online Tracking, Targeted Advertising And User Privacy Presentation (PDF) (4453 Downloads )

Nicht über die Dateigröße wundern, die Präsentation ist recht bilderlastig 🙂